Mental Health

“The Hidden Struggles of New Mothers: Krupa Rathod Talks Postpartum Depression and Family Support”

In an exclusive interview with Mother and Baby Matters, psychologist Krupa Rathod discusses the complexities of postpartum depression, its effects on both the mother...

Is Your Child Addicted to the Internet? AIIMS to Offer Solutions with a New Research Center

If your child or a family member is struggling with internet addiction, leading to irritability or behavioral changes, there is no need to worry....

More Than 90% of Employees Under 25 Experience Stress, Reveals Study

A recent report by 1to1help reveals a concerning surge in mental health challenges among employees, particularly younger professionals. According...

How to Combat Mobile Addiction and Reduce Excessive Screen Time in Kids

Mobile phones are now an essential part of daily life, but they can also lead to addiction, particularly among...

Mobile Phone Addiction in Teenagers: A Growing Crisis Leading to Tragedy

Few days ago, a 15-year-old girl, who left her house earlier this month after her mother scolded her for...

Rising Conflict Between Parents and Children Over Smartphone Usage

In today’s digital age, smartphone has become an integral part of our lives, especially for younger generations. While it...

Fertility at Work: Key Takeaways from The F Word at Work Event

The Fertility Matters At Work team and Deutsche Bank hosted "The F Word at Work" live event on November...

Better Sleep for New Moms: Study Finds Insomnia Therapy Helps Fight Postpartum Depression

Many people think that poor sleep during pregnancy is just a part of the experience, but new research shows...