Two Fetuses Removed from the Abdomen of a Newborn in Maharashtra

Amravati: In a rare medical case, doctors successfully removed two fetuses from the abdomen of a three-day-old newborn in Maharashtra’s Amravati district on Tuesday. This an extremely rare condition, known as “fetus-in-fetu,” was discovered a few days ago in the newborn’s mother, doctors said.

A 32-year-old woman from Buldhana district was diagnosed with this rare congenital anomaly, where a malformed fetus was found inside another fetus. The condition was detected during a routine sonography conducted last month as part of her regular health check-up.

The woman delivered a baby boy on February 1 at Buldhana Women’s Hospital. Both the mother and the newborn were then referred to a super-specialty government hospital in Amravati. A team of doctors performed surgery on the newborn and successfully removed two fetuses from the baby’s abdomen. The complex operation lasted for about one and a half hours, after which the infant received 16 stitches. The baby’s condition is reported to be stable.

Dr. Usha Gajbhiye, who supervised the surgery at Amravati Divisional Hospital, stated that the newborn’s abdomen contained two non-viable twin fetuses with developed limbs. These fetuses were growing inside the newborn’s abdomen, posing a serious threat to the baby’s life.

Rare ‘Foetus in Fetu’ Case Detected in Pregnant Women in Maharashtra

The two fetuses, which were sent for medical examination, were estimated to weigh around 2.6 kg, though the exact weight is yet to be confirmed.

According to reports, 14 cases of fetus-in-fetu have been documented in India, where a fetus is found inside a newborn. However, this is the first recorded case in the country where a three-day-old baby was found with twin fetuses inside its abdomen. The operation was successfully completed, and the newborn’s health is currently stable, with ongoing medical care.

– Dr. Amol Narote, Superintendent, Super-Specialty Hospital

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